



Cutting technique

When it comes to cutting techniques, it is important to understand each person's hair growth habits

 and the direction of the swirl.

By continuing to work for many years to incorporate clear judgments about hair type into styles, 

we can suggest styles that are easy for each person to create on their own. 

The characteristic of this cut is that it adapts to the shape of your head after a week, 

so it is a cut that lasts well and stays in place.

●special menu

カット& 眉カット&メイクアップ   ¥ 45650

              Cut & Eyebrow Cut & Makeup


This is a special menu only available to makeup artists.

By considering the direction from both cut and makeup, you can think of the styling you admire and the styling that suits you best, and make your skin and hair more beautiful. A professional make-up artist will support you from scratch, so if you have any concerns about your hair quality, we will give you advice on how to solve it.


The treatment time will vary depending on the condition of your hair, so please feel free to ask us about 

the details of the treatment time.


カット ¥ 9900 ~ ¥ 10450


前髪カット ¥ 2200

Bangs Cut

眉カット ¥ 2200

Eyebrow Cut

水パーマ ¥ 14300

Water Perm

トリートメント ¥ 6,380




By diagnosing the shape of the head, the thickness and thinness of the hair, the habit, the hair style, the direction of the roots of the hair, the swirls, etc., we try to create a style that fits the person's head, heals, and can be done at home by the person. I am.



The cut is made according to the current trends, but the amount of bangs to be taken is determined by taking into account the shape of the head, face, width of the forehead, horizontal roundness, and vertical roundness of the bone structure. doing.



We look not only at the shape of the eyebrows, but also the length, eye size, distance from the nose, arch shape, and other factors to create eyebrows that are more natural and match your facial features.



By applying a steam machine called Paluki with soft water along with a chemical solution, you can apply the hair with almost no damage caused by the perm.



At our store, we choose three types of treatments based on your hair type and degree of pain. By applying a steam machine that produces soft water, the treatment will penetrate more efficiently.






Steam Treatment

Ultra-fine particles of nano steam enhance the penetration of the treatment, deeply moisturizing the hair by penetrating it into the hair.

With a perm, even if your hair is hard and difficult to perm, the power of steam will open the cuticle and maximize the penetration of the perm solution.

The steam itself is made up of ultra-fine particles, allowing moisture to permeate every corner of the damaged hair.

By using this steam, it is possible to perform treatment on damaged hair while repairing it, while treatment can be performed on healthy hair while it is still healthy without causing extra damage.

カラー ¥ 13750


マニキュア  ¥ 13750

Hair manicure

太陽と大地のヘナ ¥ 14850

Sun and Earth Henna



We use a pre-treatment agent and post-treatment agent containing 18 types of amino acids to color your hair with less stress and less fading.



At our store, the majority of our customers choose manicure to dye their gray hair rather than coloring. Since it is a colored coating treatment, the color will fade with shampoo, but it will last for about 2 months. There is no damage and it feels great to the touch.



Recommended for those who are concerned about their scalp or the thinness of their hair, it is a gray hair dye that causes less damage to the scalp and hair.



Make-up Artist Hairdresser

Because I have worked in hair and makeup, I can judge whether a trendy styling is possible for a person's hair type. My strength is that I can find a style that suits me and actually create that style, rather than just copying the latest trends. First of all, it's best to do it yourself, and I'll explain the variations, so please listen to anything.


セットメイク  ¥ 33000


Set Make-up

120 minutes






We will deliver professional makeup techniques close to you.For weddings, after-parties, parties, arranged meetings, anniversaries, and commemorative photos, we will create a special makeup that is a little different from everyday life.You can also create stylish and sophisticated hairstyles other than down styles such as set pulls and updos.


I also spend time on base makeup, which I can't do myself, to create a natural makeup that lasts for 5 to 6 hours. Please experience makeup that draws out beauty from where you make the most of your face. We also promise that it will look great in photos.

セルフメイクアドバイス  ¥28600


Self Make-up Advice

90 minutes




After asking about the person's daily makeup routine, ask them to show you the cosmetics they use.

By teaching people how to apply makeup that suits their face, we can change misunderstandings caused by daily routines and assumptions.

We will also give you accurate advice on points that you can do on your own.